

Saturday, December 10, 2016


So divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. You may have a different opinion about what I am sharing, I just want to say that is totally fine I am not writing this to offend anyone or to change your views. When a man and a woman get married, they are entering into a solemn covenant with each other. You are promising to be with each and no one else. With that been said, every effort should be made to keep the promise you've made to each other to preserve your marriage.
Marriage is work, work, and more work.

On here I will list some of the reason why people might divorce each other;
1. Cheating: Many respondents said that if their partner cheated on them, they would end the relationship. Although not every couple felt this way. Some respondents indicated a willingness to work through infidelity; however, many thought they could not. The person who did the cheating may be repentant but the person who was cheated on often feels so betrayed that they can’t get past it. They continue to punish their partner for the deep hurt they feel and the relationship often crumbles.
2. Dishonesty: Some believe that dishonesty involves only those incidents when they deliberately say things they know to be untrue, so neglecting to tell the truth is not seen as dishonesty. For others, anything that can be misleading from the truth, whether verbal or simply not expressed, is viewed as a lie. Many people in happy relationships said if their spouse lied to them, they may not be able to continue the relationship.
3. Addictions: For many, an addiction is something that cannot be forgiven, particularly if in the beginning of the relationship the addiction was not known or did not exist. Some addiction deal breakers were drug and alcohol problems, gambling or pornography. In addition to the first two concerns, addictions create trust issues. Many people felt they would not be able to count on their significant other to be consistent in his/her behavior and to put the relationship before anything else.
4. Abuse: Many people stated that if their spouse hit them, or physically or sexually abused their children, the relationship would be over. While there are many people who opt to stay in physically abusive relationships and some spouses who look the other way if their children are abused by their spouse, many people would not allow themselves or their children to be abused in that way especially by someone who promised to love them. This, again, can be boiled down to a trust issue.
5. Major changes in priorities: Major changes in priorities can cause an end in a marriage. People grow and change; sometimes they grow together in the same direction and other times they grow apart. There are other people who never change and are the same person fifty years into the marriage. What can be problematic and end relationships is when one or both partners change their priorities in ways that are unacceptable to their spouse. Some people mentioned a major change in religious beliefs and practices could strain the relationship, some people talked about putting jobs or children before the marriage and yet others complained of drastic changes in friendships or relationships with in-laws.

We all have this expectation that our loved one is the person we know best, someone who will always have our back. When something happens that will shake our belief, it rocks the foundation of our relationship that we have with them.
All I want to say is that marriage is loads of patients, if you are not patient don't think that you would change. As I said before marriage is work, work, and more work. You create the kind of marriage you want to have with your spouse. When divorce comes or think of it is us giving up and wanting whats best for just you not the other person.  So don't give up keep working at it and make it work no matter what it takes.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Key to Creative Parenting: Growing Together!

I will share with you a short poem by an Anonymous person;
If a child lives with criticism,
She learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility,
He learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule,
She learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame,
He learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance,
She learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement,
He learns confidence.
If a child lives with praise,
She learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness,
He learns justice.
If a child lives with security,
She learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval,
He learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship,
She learns to find love in the world.

Parenting can be frustrating and burdensome. However, when seen as an opportunity for personal growth for adults, parenting is one of the most creative and affirming experiences that life offers. It can be a mutual growth process for both parents and children. A parents lives is fulfilled through the realization of integrity in their children. With that been said, the full meaning of parenthood comes in later life.

So when we are raising children, we are given the chance to improve ourselves and to broaden our own personal horizons as we model to our children the qualities we would like to see in them. There are other times that children give parents the chance to become the parents we wish that we had.
Because each one is born with unique potentials, children develop their own personality styles, temperamental rhythms, moral values, and interests. Still parents exert strong influences on these qualities, as do peers, teachers, and society during the school years.

We are relying on the opinions of experts now than we ever have before. We need to stop relying so much on experts opinions of how to raise our children. Yes, they might have done research on how to raise children but some of these experts researches cannot be trusted. Come up with a parenting style that works for you and your family, what should matter is that it should be a parenting style that will help you and your family grow together. Growing together as a family is what parenting should always be about.