

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Educated Mothers

Every child can and should appreciate the value of their mother. Let me tell you a little story about my mother.

As some of you know that I am from Freetown, Sierra Leone. My mother is the not educated when it comes to going to high school, college and beyond, but one thing I can tell you is that my mother is educated in other ways that makes me appreciate her more than ever. She went to tie dying school, she self taught herself how to weave clothing. Here is what weaving is:
Image result for weaving clothing

This was just some of the things that my mother educated herself so that she can pay for my tuition well I mean for my sister and I. From my mother I was able to learn that "mothers are the strongest role models for children's education." Because of all her hard work and wanting me to receive a higher education than she did here I am at Brigham Young University-Idaho about to finish my undergraduate degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Health Psychology. 
I am so grateful for all she does for me and the excitement she shows continuously in my education.  I love her for that and appreciate her. I am now married to a wonderful women. The smartest person I know, the most beautiful person on the face of the planet. I know that for sure one day she will be a wonderful mother and will want our children to receive all the education they can. Here is a picture of my lovely, adorable, intelligent wife.

Before we both decided to become eternal companions she knew what my thoughts where about education. She knows that this wont be easy but she is determined to finish her bachelors degree in something that she knows is worth studying and something that will be beneficial to our future family. I just want to stand by this word, that a women doesnt need to go to school to receive the best education. If they are willing to learn new things they can learn it as long as they put they mind to it and give it there all.

1 comment:

  1. My husband and i got Married last year and we have been living happily for a while. We used to be free with everything and never kept any secret from each other until recently everything changed when he got a new Job in NewYork 2 months ago.He has been avoiding my calls and told me he is working,i got suspicious when i saw a comment of a woman on his Facebook Picture and the way he replied her. I asked my husband about it and he told me that she is co-worker in his organization,We had a big argument and he has not been picking my calls,this went on for long until one day i decided to notify my friend about this and that was how she introduced me to Mr James(Worldcyberhackers@gmail.com) a Private Investigator  who helped her when she was having issues with her Husband. I never believed he could do it but until i gave him my husbands Mobile phone number. He proved to me by hacking into my husbands phone. where i found so many evidence and  proof in his Text messages, Emails and pictures that my husband has an affairs with another woman.i have sent all the evidence to our lawyer.I just want to thank Mr James for helping me because i have all the evidence and proof to my lawyer,I Feel so sad about infidelity.
