

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Family rules!

 Image result for family rules
Oh family rule are they good or bad for our children? Are they a blessing or are they just a way for parents to keep their children under control? These are all wonderful and thoughtful questions.

Well each family has its own rules. Rules help a family to get a balance between respecting each others needs and getting what they want. The right set of rules will let children have freedom but at the same time help them to feel safe and loved.

Family rules can help family members get along better, and make family life more peaceful. Effective rules are positive statements about how your family wants to look after and treat its members. When these rules are stated clearly and unambiguously, they help:
  • children and young people learn where the limits are, and what's expected of them.
  • adults be consistent in the way they treat younger family members.
When we sit these rules, it is important for us to involve all members of the family as as possible. Children as young as three can have meaningful discussions with parent about what rules are why they're needed. Children who are involve in rule-making will give the children a valuable experience in taking responsibility for their own behavior.
  • Involving your child in creating both the family rules and the consequences for breaking them helps her understand and accept them.
Choose the most important things to make rules about. You might develop rule about:
  • safety
  • manners
  • politeness
  • daily routines
  • how you treat each other
Every family’s rules will be different. The standards you create will be influenced by your beliefs, values, your situation and your child’s maturity and needs. Rules come in different shapes and sizes. But all good rules have something in common: they are specific and easy to understand.

I love this family rule "In this home we are real. We make mistakes, we give second chances, we have fun! We say I'm sorry. We forgive. We give hugs, we are patient, we love, we are family." Now this is a simple rule. A family rule that's not fun adds more stress to the children, the parents and most of all the entire family. Choose rules that you the parent will enjoy and that they children will also enjoy. The only way this will happen is when we involve the children in coming up with these rules.

This will be it for today. As I said before comments are always welcome. Tell me about your family rules both the ones you like and the one that you hated and why you hated those rules.


  1. We got grounded alot...but it wasn't always consistent. I think it is extremely important to be consistent so the kids know what to expect.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Sorry I just saw this.
