

Saturday, October 8, 2016

The effct of money on parenting style

We all know that social status and wealth can afford children opportunities, letting children struggle and providing them time to bond with friends and family is also a valuable parenting style.

Researchers have found that "Middle class families can typically afford to spend more time and money on their children: After-school activities, organized sports, more time reading to their children, and imparting their knowledge and skills. By providing their children opportunities that are not taught in school, middle class parents ultimately positively influence school performance and future job opportunities." In contrast, working class families have less time and disposable income for child rearing. Called the Natural Growth style of parenting, it favors unstructured play with more involvement of extended family in child-rearing. Working class parents tend not to “over-schedule” their children’s time or care much about cultivating their children’s talents and interests. They tend to be authoritarian, with children following commands without negotiation.

 It is good for us to offer our children all we have, however, if you let them have it all we will withhold them from progressing and meeting their potentials. So let us be careful with the opportunities we offer. We want our children to love us, not for them to love the things that we get for them. Money can buy anything but to me money cannot by love.

Love is something that one has to earn!


  1. Very good insight. I agree we can't let children have it all but we can definitely provide them with valuable opportunities in their lives.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I do agree with what you shared.
